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Creative Thoughts


Human Performance Technology began with Thomas F. Gilbert, who is considered the founder. Gilbert was Skinner’s previous student and expanded Skinner’s teaching machines from an educational environment to a work environment. Gilbert incorporated what he learned from Skinner and developed his a new science, the science of learning called mathetics. Gilbert and others formed the National Society of Programmed Instruction and later he teamed up with Geary Rummler to create his Behavior Engineering Model in 1978. This model outlined six categories of variables that affect work performance.

Gilbert revealed is Behavior Engineering Model in his book, Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance. Gilbert combined his knowledge from Skinner to engineering and believed that work performance must be addressed first before focusing on individuals to increase work production.

One of Gilbert's former students, Joe Harless developed the performance improvement process. Harless also created front-end analysis, which is a method of analysis done early in the instructional design process to identify possible problems with the design on the front-end instead of afterwards which may cost more money and time to fix problems that could have been resolved earlier. Front-end analysis is still instrumental today in instructional design.

HPT History: About
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